AN3.12 — Sāraṇīyasutta

Disciples, there are these three things that are memorable for a king of the warrior caste, anointed on the head, for his whole life.

What are the three?

In the place where a king of the warrior caste, anointed on the head, is born.

This is the first thing that is memorable for a king of the warrior caste, anointed on the head, for his whole life.

Again in the place where a king of the warrior caste, anointed on the head, resides.

This is the second thing that is memorable for a king of the warrior caste, anointed on the head, for his whole life.

Again in the place where a king of the warrior caste, anointed on the head, having conquered in battle, resides at the very site of the battle.

This is the third thing that is memorable for a king of the warrior caste, anointed on the head, for his whole life.

These are the three things that are memorable for a king of the warrior caste, anointed on the head, for his whole life.

In the same way there are these three things that are memorable for a disciple for his whole life.

What are the three?

In the place where a disciple, having shaved off his hair and beard, and having donned the ochre robes, goes forth from the home life into homelessness.

This is the first thing that is memorable for a disciple for his whole life.

Again in the place where a disciple understands as it really is: This is suffering, understands as it really is: This is the origin of suffering, understands as it really is: This is the cessation of suffering, understands as it really is: This is the path leading to the cessation of suffering.

This is the second thing that is memorable for a disciple for his whole life.

Again in the place where a disciple, through the destruction of the taints, attains and dwells in the taintless liberation of mind, liberation by wisdom, having realized it for himself with direct knowing in this very life.

This is the third thing that is memorable for a disciple for his whole life.

These are the three things that are memorable for a disciple for his whole life.