AN4.61 — Fitting Deeds

Then Anathapindika, the householder, approached the Blessed One;

having approached, having greeted the Blessed One, he sat down at one side. Sitting down at one side, the Blessed One said to the householder Anathapindika: Householder, these four qualities are desirable, agreeable, and pleasing but hard to obtain in the world. What are the four?

May wealth come to me in a righteous way, this is the first quality desirable, agreeable, and pleasing but hard to obtain in the world.

Having obtained wealth in a righteous way, may fame come to me along with my relatives and teachers, this is the second quality desirable, agreeable, and pleasing but hard to obtain in the world.

Having obtained wealth and fame in a righteous way, along with my relatives and teachers, may I live long and have a long life, this is the third quality desirable, agreeable, and pleasing but hard to obtain in the world. 

Having obtained wealth and fame in a righteous way, along with my relatives and teachers, having lived long and having had a long life, may I, at the breakup of the body, after death, be reborn in a good destination, in a heavenly world, this is the fourth quality desirable, agreeable, and pleasing but hard to obtain in the world.

Householder, these four qualities are desirable, agreeable, and pleasing but hard to obtain in the world. For the attainment of these four desirable, agreeable, and pleasing but hard to obtain qualities in the world, these four qualities lead:

Accomplishment in faith,

Accomplishment in virtue,

Accomplishment in generosity,

Accomplishment in wisdom.

And what is the accomplishment in faith? Here a noble disciple has faith, he believes in the enlightenment of the Tathagata: Indeed, the Blessed One is an arahant, perfectly enlightened, accomplished in true knowing and conduct, fortunate, knower of the world, unsurpassed leader of persons to be tamed, teacher of gods and humans, enlightened, blessed. This is called accomplishment in faith.

And what is the accomplishment in virtue? Here a noble disciple abstains from taking life... abstains from intoxicating drinks and drugs that lead to heedlessness. This is called accomplishment in virtue.

And what is the accomplishment in generosity? Here a noble disciple, dwelling at home, heart freed from the stain of miserliness, freely generous, open-handed, delighting in relinquishment, devoted to charity, delighting in giving and sharing. This is called accomplishment in generosity.

And what is the accomplishment in wisdom? A noble disciple, understanding as it really is, abandons the mental defilements of covetousness and greed, ill will, sloth and torpor, restlessness and remorse, and doubt. This is called accomplishment in wisdom.

Householder, for the attainment of these four desirable, agreeable, and pleasing but hard to obtain qualities in the world, these four qualities lead.

Here the disciple of the noble ones, with wealth acquired by energetic striving, amassed by the strength of his arms, earned by the sweat of his brow, righteous wealth righteously gained, performs four functions. What four?

Here the disciple of the noble ones, with wealth acquired by energetic striving, amassed by the strength of his arms, earned by the sweat of his brow, righteous wealth righteously gained, makes himself happy and satisfied, properly enjoys his wealth. He makes his parents happy and satisfied, properly enjoys his wealth. He makes his children, wife, slaves, workers, and servants happy and satisfied, properly enjoys his wealth. He makes his friends and associates happy and satisfied, properly enjoys his wealth. This is his first station of consumption, enjoyed in this very way.

Again the disciple of the noble ones, with wealth acquired by energetic striving, amassed by the strength of his arms, earned by the sweat of his brow, righteous wealth righteously gained, protects himself from dangers such as fire, water, kings, thieves, and displeasing heirs, and keeps himself safe. This is his second station of consumption, enjoyed in this very way.

Again the disciple of the noble ones, with wealth acquired by energetic striving, amassed by the strength of his arms, earned by the sweat of his brow, righteous wealth righteously gained, performs the fivefold offering: to relatives, guests, ancestors, kings, and deities. This is his third station of consumption, enjoyed in this very way.

Again the disciple of the noble ones, with wealth acquired by energetic striving, amassed by the strength of his arms, earned by the sweat of his brow, righteous wealth righteously gained, establishes an uplifting offering to ascetics and brahmins, those who abstain from intoxication and heedlessness, who endure patience and gentleness, who tame, calm, and extinguish themselves. He establishes an offering leading to heaven, resulting in happiness, leading to heaven. This is his fourth station of consumption, enjoyed in this very way.

Indeed the disciple of the noble ones, with wealth acquired by energetic striving, amassed by the strength of his arms, earned by the sweat of his brow, righteous wealth righteously gained, performs these four functions. For anyone apart from these four functions, wealth is exhausted; these are called wealth gone to waste, not enjoyed, not properly utilized.

For anyone with these four functions, wealth is not exhausted; these are called wealth well stationed, well enjoyed, properly utilized. Wealth enjoyed, dependents supported, adversity overcome, and the fivefold offering made; virtuous, restrained in righteous living: such a wise mans purpose in household life is achieved, without regret. Remembering this, a mortal, a man standing in the noble Dhamma, is praised in this life and rejoices in heaven hereafter.