AN4.62 — Ānaṇya Sutta

Then, the householder Anathapindika approached the Blessed One; having approached, he paid homage to the Blessed One and sat down to one side. While sitting to one side, the Blessed One addressed the householder Anathapindika: Householder, there are these four kinds of happiness to be attained by a layperson who enjoys sensual pleasures from time to time, from occasion to occasion. What are the four? The happiness of ownership, the happiness of wealth, the happiness of debtlessness, and the happiness of blamelessness.

And what is the happiness of ownership? Here a noble son possesses wealth acquired by energetic striving, amassed by the strength of his arms, earned by the sweat of his brow, righteously gained in a lawful way. He experiences happiness and joy, thinking, I possess wealth acquired by energetic striving, amassed by the strength of my arms, earned by the sweat of my brow, righteously gained in a lawful way. This is called the happiness of ownership.

And what is the happiness of wealth? Here a noble son, using the wealth acquired by energetic striving, amassed by the strength of his arms, earned by the sweat of his brow, righteously gained in a lawful way, enjoys his wealth and does meritorious deeds. He experiences happiness and joy, thinking, I am using the wealth acquired by energetic striving, amassed by the strength of my arms, earned by the sweat of my brow, righteously gained in a lawful way, and I am doing meritorious deeds. This is called the happiness of wealth.

And what is the happiness of debtlessness? Here a noble son owes no debt, whether small or great, to anyone. He experiences happiness and joy, thinking, I owe no debt, whether small or great, to anyone. This is called the happiness of debtlessness.

And what is the happiness of blamelessness? Here a noble disciple is endowed with blameless bodily conduct, blameless verbal conduct, and blameless mental conduct. He experiences happiness and joy, thinking, I am endowed with blameless bodily conduct, blameless verbal conduct, and blameless mental conduct. This is called the happiness of blamelessness.

These are the four kinds of happiness to be attained by a layperson who enjoys sensual pleasures from time to time, from occasion to occasion.

Knowing the happiness of debtlessness,

And then the happiness of ownership,

The mortal enjoys the happiness of wealth,

And thereafter wisdom sees clearly.

The wise one, seeing clearly, knows

Both kinds of wealth;

This is the happiness of blamelessness.