AN5.130 — Byasanasutta
Disciples, there are these five misfortunes. What are the five? The misfortune of relatives, the misfortune of wealth, the misfortune of illness, the misfortune of virtue, and the misfortune of views.
Disciples, beings do not, on account of the misfortune of relatives, wealth, or illness, after the breaking up of the body, after death, fall into a state of woe, a bad destination, a lower realm, hell. But on account of the misfortune of virtue or the misfortune of views, beings do fall into a state of woe, a bad destination, a lower realm, hell.
These are the five misfortunes.
Disciples, there are these five accomplishments. What are the five? The accomplishment of relatives, the accomplishment of wealth, the accomplishment of health, the accomplishment of virtue, and the accomplishment of views.
Disciples, beings do not, on account of the accomplishment of relatives, wealth, or health, after the breaking up of the body, after death, arise in a good destination, a heavenly world. But on account of the accomplishment of virtue or the accomplishment of views, beings do arise in a good destination, a heavenly world.
These are the five accomplishments.