AN8.63 — Saṅkhittasutta

Then a certain disciple approached the Blessed One... and having sat to one side, he said to the Blessed One: Venerable sir, may the Blessed One teach me the Dhamma in brief, so that having heard the Blessed One's Dhamma, I may dwell alone, withdrawn, diligent, ardent, and resolute.

Some foolish men here ask me for this. And when the Dhamma is spoken, they think they should follow me.

Please teach me, venerable sir, the Dhamma in brief. May the Blessed One teach me the Dhamma in brief. Perhaps I may understand the meaning of the Blessed One's words, perhaps I may become an heir to the Blessed One's words.

Therefore, disciple, you should train yourself thus: My mind will be firm, well established internally, and no arisen evil unwholesome states will take over my mind. Thus should you train yourself.

When your mind is firm, well established internally, and no arisen evil unwholesome states take over your mind, then you should train yourself thus: My mind will be liberated with goodwill, developed, frequently practiced, made a vehicle, made a basis, established, consolidated, and well undertaken. Thus should you train yourself.

When this concentration is thus developed and frequently practiced, then you, disciple, should develop this concentration with initial and sustained thought, without initial thought and with only sustained thought, without initial and sustained thought, with rapture, without rapture, accompanied by pleasure, accompanied by equanimity.

When this concentration is thus developed and well developed, then you should train yourself thus: My mind will be liberated with compassion...

My mind will be liberated with sympathetic joy...

My mind will be liberated with equanimity, developed, frequently practiced, made a vehicle, made a basis, established, consolidated, and well undertaken. Thus should you train yourself.

When this concentration is thus developed and well developed, then you, disciple, should develop this concentration with initial and sustained thought, without initial thought and with only sustained thought, without initial and sustained thought, with rapture, without rapture, accompanied by pleasure, accompanied by equanimity.

When this concentration is thus developed and well developed, you, disciple, should train yourself: I will dwell observing the body in the body, ardent, clearly knowing, mindful, having removed covetousness and grief in regard to the world.

Thus, disciple, you should train yourself.

When this concentration is thus developed and made much of, you, disciple, should develop this concentration with thought and examination, without thought and with a little examination, without thought and without examination, with rapture, without rapture, accompanied by pleasure, accompanied by equanimity.

When this concentration is thus developed and well developed, you, disciple, should train yourself: I will dwell observing feelings in feelings, the mind in the mind, phenomena in phenomena, ardent, clearly knowing, mindful, having removed covetousness and grief in regard to the world.

Thus, disciple, you should train yourself.

When this concentration is thus developed and made much of, you, disciple, should develop this concentration with thought and examination, without thought and with a little examination, without thought and without examination, with rapture, without rapture, accompanied by pleasure, accompanied by equanimity.

When this concentration is thus developed and well developed, wherever you go, you will go comfortably, wherever you stand, you will stand comfortably, wherever you sit, you will sit comfortably, wherever you lie down, you will lie down comfortably.

Then that disciple, having been advised by the Blessed One with this advice, rose from his seat, paid homage to the Blessed One, and departed, keeping him on his right.

Then that disciple, secluded, diligent, ardent, and resolute, not long after, realized for himself with direct knowing, here and now, the ultimate goal of the holy life for which sons of good family rightly go forth from the household life into homelessness, having attained it, he dwelled in it.

He understood: Birth is destroyed, the holy life has been lived, what had to be done has been done, there is no more of this state of being.

And that disciple became one of the arahants.