KN.DHP116-128 — The Chapter on Evil
The Story of the Brahmin with a Single Cloth
Hasten to do good; restrain the mind from evil. For the mind delights in evil when one is slow in doing good.
The Story of Elder Seyyasaka
If a person commits evil, let them not do it repeatedly. Let them not find pleasure in it, for the accumulation of evil brings suffering.
The Story of the Daughter of Lājā
If a person does good, let them do it repeatedly. Let them find joy in it, for the accumulation of good brings happiness.
The Story of Anāthapiṇḍika the Householder
Even the wicked see good as long as their evil does not ripen. But when their evil ripens, then the wicked see evil.
Even the good see evil as long as their good does not ripen. But when their good ripens, then the good see good.
The Story of the Unrestrained Disciple
Do not underestimate evil, thinking it will not come to you. With the falling of water drops, even a water jar is filled. The fool fills with evil, gathering it little by little.
The Story of the Merchant with a Cat's Paw
Do not underestimate good, thinking it will not come to you. With the falling of water drops, even a water jar is filled. The wise fill with good, gathering it little by little.
The Story of the Wealthy Merchant
Just as a merchant with few companions avoids a dangerous road, and just as one desiring to live avoids poison, so should one avoid evil deeds.
The Story of the Hunter with a Rooster Friend
If there is no wound on one's hand, one may carry poison in it. Poison does not enter one who has no wound; there is no evil for one who does not commit it.
The Story of the Hunter with a Dog
Whoever harms an innocent, pure, and unblemished person, the evil returns to that fool, like fine dust thrown against the wind.
The Story of the Jeweler's Apprentice Tissa
Some are born in the womb, evil-doers go to hell, the virtuous go to heaven, and those without defilements attain Nibbāna.
The Story of the Three Young Men
Not in the sky, nor in the middle of the sea, nor in a mountain cave, is there a place in the world where one can escape the consequences of evil deeds.
The Story of Suppabuddha the Sakyan
Not in the sky, nor in the middle of the sea, nor in a mountain cave, is there a place in the world where one can escape death.