KN.DHP221-234 — The Chapter on Anger

Rohinī, the Royal Maiden's Story

Abandon anger, relinquish pride,

Transcend all fetters;

The one unattached to name and form,

Suffering does not pursue.

A Certain Disciple's Story

Whoever restrains arisen anger,

As a charioteer controls a swerving chariot;

Him I call a true charioteer,

Others merely hold the reins.

Uttarā, the Laywoman's Story

Conquer anger with non-anger,

Conquer evil with good;

Conquer the stingy with generosity,

And the liar with truth.

The Question of Mahāmoggallāna

Speak the truth, do not be angry,

Give even when asked for little;

By these three means,

One may approach the realm of the gods.

The Story of the Brahmin, Buddha's Father

The sages who are harmless,

Always restrained in body;

They go to the unchanging state,

Where, having gone, they do not grieve.

The Story of Puṇṇā, the Slave Woman

Those who are ever vigilant,

Training day and night;

With minds intent on Nibbāna,

Their taints come to an end.

The Story of Atula, the Layman

This is an ancient saying, Atula,

Not just of today;

They blame the silent one,

They blame the talkative one;

They even blame the moderate speaker,

There is no one in the world unblamed.

There never was, nor will be,

Nor is there now to be found;

A person wholly blamed,

Or wholly praised.

But whom the wise praise,

After observing day by day;

One of flawless conduct, wise,

Endowed with insight and virtue.

Like a gold coin from the Jambu river,

Who can rightly blame him?

Even the gods praise him,

And by Brahmā he is praised.

The Story of the Group of Six Disciples

Guard against bodily misconduct,

Be restrained in body;

Having abandoned bodily misconduct,

Practice good conduct with the body.

Guard against verbal misconduct,

Be restrained in speech;

Having abandoned verbal misconduct,

Practice good conduct with speech.

Guard against mental misconduct,

Be restrained in mind;

Having abandoned mental misconduct,

Practice good conduct with the mind.

The wise, restrained in body,

Also restrained in speech;

The wise, restrained in mind,

They are truly well-restrained.