KN.DHP90-99 — The Chapter of the Arahants
The Story of Jīvaka's Question
For one who has reached the goal, who is free from sorrow, completely liberated in every way, and who has abandoned all bonds, there is no burning desire.
The Story of Elder Mahākassapa
Those who are mindful exert themselves and do not delight in dwelling places. Like swans leaving a pond, they abandon their homes.
The Story of Elder Belaṭṭhasīsa
For those who have no accumulation, who have fully understood food, whose domain is the void and the signless liberation, their path is hard to trace, like that of birds in the sky.
The Story of Elder Anuruddha
For one whose taints are destroyed, who is unattached to food, whose domain is the void and the signless liberation, their path is hard to trace, like that of birds in the sky.
The Story of Elder Mahākaccāyana
For one whose senses are calmed, like horses well-tamed by a charioteer, who has abandoned pride and is without taints, even the gods envy such a one.
The Story of Elder Sāriputta
Like the earth, he does not react; like an indestructible pillar, he is well-disciplined. Like a clear lake, free from mud, he is not reborn in the cycle of existence.
The Story of the Novice of Elder Vāsittha of Kosambi
His mind is peaceful, his speech and actions are peaceful. For one who is rightly liberated through true knowing, who is calm, such a one is steadfast.
The Story of Elder Sāriputta
The one who is without faith, ungrateful, a breaker of connections, who has destroyed opportunities and abandoned desires, he is indeed the supreme person.
The Story of Elder Khadiravaniya Revata
Whether in a village or in the forest, in a lowland or on a hill, wherever the Arahants dwell, that place is delightful.
The Story of a Certain Woman
The forests are delightful where people do not delight. Those free from passion will delight there; they are not seekers of sensual pleasures.