KN.PS1.6 — Discussion on Destinies

What are the conditions for rebirth associated with knowing in the attainment of destinies?

For the great Khattiya families, the great Brahmin families, the great householder families, and the deities of the sensual realm, what are the conditions for rebirth associated with knowing?

For the deities of the form realm, what are the conditions for rebirth?

For the deities of the formless realm, what are the conditions for rebirth?

In the attainment of destinies, rebirth occurs due to the conditions of eight causes associated with knowing.

For the great Khattiya families, the great Brahmin families, the great householder families, and the deities of the sensual realm, rebirth occurs due to the conditions of eight causes associated with knowing.

For the deities of the form realm, rebirth occurs due to the conditions of eight causes.

For the deities of the formless realm, rebirth occurs due to the conditions of eight causes.

In the attainment of destinies, what are the eight causes associated with knowing that lead to rebirth?

At the moment of impulsion of wholesome karma, there are three wholesome causes;

At that moment, the volition that arises is a condition for co-arising.

Therefore, it is said:

Even formations are conditioned by wholesome roots.

At the moment of impulsion of unwholesome karma, there are two unwholesome causes;

At that moment, the volition that arises is a condition for co-arising.

Therefore, it is said:

Even formations are conditioned by unwholesome roots.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, there are three indeterminate causes;

At that moment, the volition that arises is a condition for co-arising.

Therefore, it is said:

Consciousness is conditioned by name-and-form, and name-and-form is conditioned by consciousness.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, the five aggregates are conditions for co-arising, mutuality, dependence, and non-disjunction.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, the four great elements are conditions for co-arising, mutuality, and dependence.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, the three life formations are conditions for co-arising, mutuality, dependence, and non-disjunction.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, name and form are conditions for co-arising, mutuality, dependence, and non-disjunction.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, these fourteen phenomena are conditions for co-arising, mutuality, dependence, and non-disjunction.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, the four immaterial aggregates are conditions for co-arising, mutuality, dependence, and conjunction.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, the five faculties are conditions for each other by way of conascence, mutuality, dependence, and association.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, the three roots are conditions for each other by way of conascence, mutuality, dependence, and association.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, mentality and consciousness are conditions for each other by way of conascence, mutuality, dependence, and association.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, these fourteen phenomena are conditions for each other by way of conascence, mutuality, dependence, and association.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, these twenty-eight phenomena are conditions for each other by way of conascence, mutuality, dependence, and dissociation.

Due to the attainment of a favorable destination, rebirth occurs with the conditions of these eight roots associated with knowing.

For the great Khattiya, the great Brahmin, the great householder, and the deities of the sensual realm, rebirth occurs with the conditions of which eight roots associated with knowing?

At the moment of impulsion of a wholesome action, the three roots are wholesome;

At that moment, the volition that arises is a condition for each other by way of conascence.

Therefore, it is said:

Formations are also due to the condition of wholesome roots.

At the moment of impulsion of an unwholesome action, the two roots are unwholesome;

At that moment, the volition that arises is a condition for each other by way of conascence.

Therefore, it is said:

Formations are also due to the condition of unwholesome roots.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, the three roots are indeterminate;

At that moment, the volition that arises is a condition for each other by way of conascence.

Therefore, it is said:

Consciousness is also due to the condition of mentality-materiality, and mentality-materiality is also due to the condition of consciousness.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, the five aggregates are conditions for each other by way of conascence, mutuality, dependence, and dissociation.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, the four great elements are conditions for each other by way of conascence, mutuality, and dependence.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, the three life-controlling faculties are conditions for each other by way of conascence, mutuality, dependence, and dissociation.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, mentality and materiality are conditions for each other by way of conascence, mutuality, dependence, and dissociation.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, these fourteen phenomena are conditions for each other by way of conascence, mutuality, dependence, and dissociation.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, the four immaterial aggregates are conditions for each other by way of conascence, mutuality, dependence, and association.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, the five faculties are conditions for each other by way of conascence, mutuality, dependence, and association.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, the three roots are conditions for each other by way of conascence, mutuality, dependence, and association.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, both mentality and consciousness are conditions for each other by way of conascence, mutuality, dependence, and association.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, these fourteen phenomena are conditions for each other by way of conascence, mutuality, dependence, and association.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, these twenty-eight phenomena are conditions for each other by way of conascence, mutuality, dependence, and dissociation.

For the great nobles, great brahmins, great householders, and the deities of the sensual realm, rebirth occurs due to the conditions of these eight roots associated with knowing.

For the deities of the form realm, due to which eight roots does rebirth occur?

At the moment of impulsion of a wholesome action, the three wholesome roots...

For the deities of the form realm, rebirth occurs due to the conditions of these eight roots.

For the deities of the formless realm, due to which eight roots does rebirth occur?

At the moment of impulsion of a wholesome action, the three wholesome roots;

At that moment, the volition that arises is a condition for each other by way of conascence.

Therefore, it is said:

Formations are also due to the condition of wholesome roots.

At the moment of impulsion of an unwholesome action, the two unwholesome roots;

At that moment, the volition that arises is a condition for each other by way of conascence.

Therefore, it is said:

Formations are also due to the condition of unwholesome roots.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, the three indeterminate roots;

At that moment, the volition that arises is a condition for each other by way of conascence.

Therefore, it is said:

Consciousness is also due to the condition of mentality, and mentality is also due to the condition of consciousness.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, the four immaterial aggregates are conditions for each other by way of conascence, mutuality, dependence, and association.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, the five faculties are conditions for each other by way of conascence, mutuality, dependence, and association.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, the three roots are conditions for each other by way of conascence, mutuality, dependence, and association.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, both mentality and consciousness are conditions for each other by way of conascence, mutuality, dependence, and association.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, these fourteen phenomena are conditions for each other by way of conascence, mutuality, dependence, and association.

For the immaterial deities, the arising is due to these eight causes.

In the case of beings born in a good destination without knowing, the arising is due to how many causes?

For the great nobles, great brahmins, great householders, and the deities of the sensual realm, the arising is due to how many causes without knowing?

In the case of beings born in a good destination without knowing, the arising is due to six causes.

For the great nobles, great brahmins, great householders, and the deities of the sensual realm, the arising is due to six causes without knowing.

In the case of beings born in a good destination without knowing, the arising is due to which six causes?

At the moment of impulsion of a wholesome action, there are two wholesome causes;

At that moment, the consciousness arisen is a condition for conascence.

Therefore, it is said:

Formations are also due to the condition of wholesome roots.

At the moment of impulsion of an unwholesome action, there are two unwholesome causes;

At that moment, the consciousness arisen is a condition for conascence.

Therefore, it is said:

Formations are also due to the condition of unwholesome roots.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, there are two indeterminate causes;

At that moment, the consciousness arisen is a condition for conascence.

Therefore, it is said:

Consciousness is also due to the condition of name-and-form, and name-and-form is also due to the condition of consciousness.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, the five aggregates are conditions for each other by way of conascence, mutuality, dependence, and dissociation.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, the four great elements are conditions for each other by way of conascence, mutuality, and dependence.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, the three life-controlling faculties are conditions for each other by way of conascence, mutuality, dependence, and dissociation.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, name and form are conditions for each other by way of conascence, mutuality, dependence, and dissociation.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, these fourteen phenomena are conditions for each other by way of conascence, mutuality, dependence, and dissociation.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, the four immaterial aggregates are conditions for each other by way of conascence, mutuality, dependence, and association.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, the four faculties are conditions for each other by way of conascence, mutuality, dependence, and association.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, two causes are conditions by way of conascence, mutuality, dependence, and association.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, both mind and consciousness are conditions by way of conascence, mutuality, dependence, and association.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, these twelve phenomena are conditions by way of conascence, mutuality, dependence, and association.

At the moment of rebirth-linking, these twenty-six phenomena are conditions by way of conascence, mutuality, dependence, and dissociation.

For beings with the attainment of destiny, the arising of rebirth occurs due to the conditions of these six causes that are dissociated from knowing.

For the great Khattiya, the great Brahmins, the great householders, and the deities of the sensual realm, which six causes that are dissociated from knowing are the conditions for rebirth?

At the moment of impulsion of a wholesome action, two causes are wholesome;

At that moment, the volition that arises is a condition by way of conascence.

Therefore, it is said:

Due to the condition of the root of wholesomeness, formations...

for the great Khattiya, the great Brahmins, the great householders, and the deities of the sensual realm, the arising of rebirth occurs due to the conditions of these six causes that are dissociated from knowing.

The discussion on destiny is concluded.