KN.PS1.8 — The Discourse on Distortions

The preliminary cause.

Disciples, there are these four distortions of perception, distortions of mind, and distortions of view.

What four?

Disciples, the distortion of perception, the distortion of mind, and the distortion of view that perceives the impermanent as permanent.

Disciples, the distortion of perception, the distortion of mind, and the distortion of view that perceives suffering as happiness.

Disciples, the distortion of perception, the distortion of mind, and the distortion of view that perceives non-self as self.

Disciples, the distortion of perception, the distortion of mind, and the distortion of view that perceives the impure as pure.

These are the four distortions of perception, distortions of mind, and distortions of view.

Disciples, there are these four non-distortions of perception, non-distortions of mind, and non-distortions of view.

What four?

Disciples, the non-distortion of perception, the non-distortion of mind, and the non-distortion of view that perceives the impermanent as impermanent.

Disciples, the non-distortion of perception, the non-distortion of mind, and the non-distortion of view that perceives suffering as suffering.

Disciples, the non-distortion of perception, the non-distortion of mind, and the non-distortion of view that perceives non-self as non-self.

Disciples, the non-distortion of perception, the non-distortion of mind, and the non-distortion of view that perceives the impure as impure.

These are the four non-distortions of perception, non-distortions of mind, and non-distortions of view.

Those who perceive permanence in the impermanent,

And happiness in suffering,

Self in what is non-self,

And beauty in the impure,

Are beings with wrong views,

Their minds are deranged and unknowing.

They are bound by the yoke of Mara,

And are not free from the yoke.

Such beings go through the cycle of existence,

Heading towards birth and death.

But when Buddhas arise in the world,

They are the light-bringers.

They reveal this Dhamma,

Leading to the cessation of suffering.

Having heard it, the wise,

Regain their right mind.

They see the impermanent as impermanent,

And suffering as suffering.

They see non-self as non-self,

And the impure as impure.

With right view,

They overcome all suffering.

These four distortions are abandoned by a person endowed with right view, but not abandoned by others.

Some are abandoned, some are not abandoned?

The distortion of perception, the distortion of mind, and the distortion of view that perceives the impermanent as permanent is abandoned.

The perception of suffering as happiness arises, the mind arises, the distortion of view is abandoned.

The distortion of perception, the distortion of mind, and the distortion of view that perceives non-self as self is abandoned.

The perception of the impure as pure arises, the mind arises, the distortion of view is abandoned.

In two objects, six distortions are abandoned.

In two objects, two distortions are abandoned, four distortions are not abandoned.

In four objects, eight distortions are abandoned, four distortions are not abandoned.

The discussion on distortions is concluded.