KN.PS2.4 — The Discourse on Goodwill

Originating in Sāvatthi.

Disciples, when the liberation of the mind through goodwill is developed, cultivated, made much of, made a vehicle, made a foundation, practiced, consolidated, and well undertaken, eleven benefits are to be expected.

What eleven?

One sleeps happily, one wakes happily, one does not see bad dreams, one is dear to human beings, one is dear to non-human beings, deities protect one, fire, poison, and weapons do not affect one, one's mind quickly becomes concentrated, one's facial complexion is serene, one dies unconfused, and if one does not penetrate further, one is reborn in the Brahma world.

Disciples, when the liberation of the mind through goodwill is developed, cultivated, made much of, made a vehicle, made a foundation, practiced, consolidated, and well undertaken:

these eleven benefits are to be expected.

There is the boundless pervasion of the liberation of the mind through goodwill, there is the limited pervasion of the liberation of the mind through goodwill, and there is the directional pervasion of the liberation of the mind through goodwill.

In how many ways is there the boundless pervasion of the liberation of the mind through goodwill, in how many ways is there the limited pervasion of the liberation of the mind through goodwill, in how many ways is there the directional pervasion of the liberation of the mind through goodwill?

In five ways is there the boundless pervasion of the liberation of the mind through goodwill, in seven ways is there the limited pervasion of the liberation of the mind through goodwill, in ten ways is there the directional pervasion of the liberation of the mind through goodwill.

What are the five ways for the boundless pervasion of the liberation of the mind through goodwill?

May all beings be free from enmity, free from affliction, free from distress, and may they take care of themselves happily.

May all living beings... etc.

May all creatures... etc.

May all individuals... etc.

May all those who have a personality be free from enmity, free from affliction, free from distress, and may they take care of themselves happily.

These are the five ways for the boundless pervasion of the liberation of the mind through goodwill.

What are the seven ways for the limited pervasion of the liberation of the mind through goodwill?

May all women be free from enmity, free from affliction, free from distress, and may they take care of themselves happily.

May all men... etc.

May all noble ones... etc.

May all non-noble ones... etc.

May all deities... etc.

May all humans... etc.

May all those in states of deprivation be free from enmity, free from affliction, free from distress, and may they take care of themselves happily.

These are the seven ways for the limited pervasion of the liberation of the mind through goodwill.

What are the ten ways for the directional pervasion of the liberation of the mind through goodwill?

May all beings in the eastern direction be free from enmity, free from affliction, free from distress, and may they take care of themselves happily.

May all beings in the western direction... etc.

May all beings in the northern direction... etc.

All beings in the southern direction ...

All beings in the eastern direction ...

All beings in the western direction ...

All beings in the northern direction ...

All beings in the southern direction ...

All beings in the lower direction ...

All beings in the upper direction, may they be free from enmity, free from affliction, free from distress, may they take care of themselves happily.

All beings in the eastern direction, living beings ...

creatures ...

individuals ...

those included in the physical form ...

all women ...

all men ...

all noble ones ...

all non-noble ones ...

all deities ...

all humans ...

all those in the lower realms, may they be free from enmity, free from affliction, free from distress, may they take care of themselves happily.

All beings in the western direction, those in the lower realms ...

all beings in the northern direction, those in the lower realms ...

all beings in the southern direction, those in the lower realms ...

all beings in the eastern direction, those in the lower realms ...

all beings in the western direction, those in the lower realms ...

all beings in the northern direction, those in the lower realms ...

all beings in the southern direction, those in the lower realms ...

all beings in the lower direction, those in the lower realms ...

all beings in the upper direction, those in the lower realms, may they be free from enmity, free from affliction, free from distress, may they take care of themselves happily.

In these ten ways, the liberation of the mind through goodwill pervades the directions.

2.4.1. The Section on Faculties

Avoiding the oppression of all beings, for non-oppression, avoiding harm, for non-harm, avoiding distress, for non-distress, avoiding exhaustion, for non-exhaustion, avoiding violence, for non-violence, may all beings be free from enmity, not hostile, happy, not suffering, happy in themselves, not suffering in themselves:

in these eight ways, one extends goodwill to all beings: this is goodwill.

One thinks of that state: this is the mind.

One is freed from all enmity and ill-will: this is liberation.

Loving-kindness, mind, and liberation together: this is the liberation of the mind through goodwill.

May all beings be free from enmity, safe, happy:

one is resolved with faith.

The faculty of faith is developed in the liberation of the mind through goodwill.

May all beings be free from enmity, safe, happy:

one exerts energy.

The faculty of energy is developed in the liberation of the mind through goodwill.

May all beings be free from enmity, safe, happy:

one establishes mindfulness.

The faculty of mindfulness is developed in the liberation of the mind through goodwill.

May all beings be free from enmity, safe, happy:

The mind is concentrated.

The mind released through goodwill is developed by the faculty of concentration.

May all beings be free from enmity, be safe, be happy:

is understood by wisdom.

The mind released through goodwill is developed by the faculty of wisdom.

These five faculties are for the cultivation of the mind released through goodwill.

With these five faculties, the mind released through goodwill is cultivated.

These five faculties are for the development of the mind released through goodwill.

With these five faculties, the mind released through goodwill is developed.

These five faculties are for the increase of the mind released through goodwill.

With these five faculties, the mind released through goodwill is increased.

These five faculties are the adornments of the mind released through goodwill.

With these five faculties, the mind released through goodwill is well adorned.

These five faculties are the requisites of the mind released through goodwill.

With these five faculties, the mind released through goodwill is well equipped.

These five faculties are the retinue of the mind released through goodwill.

With these five faculties, the mind released through goodwill is well surrounded.

These five faculties are for the cultivation, development, increase, adornment, requisites, retinue, fulfillment, accompaniment, co-birth, association, conjunction, penetration, confidence, establishment, release, perception of this is peaceful, vehicle, basis, support, familiarity, well-started, well-developed, well-established, well-risen, well-released, producing, illuminating, and radiating of the mind released through goodwill.

2.4.2. Strengths

May all beings be free from enmity, be safe, be happy:

is not shaken by disbelief.

The mind released through goodwill is developed by the strength of faith.

May all beings be free from enmity, be safe, be happy:

is not shaken by laziness.

The mind released through goodwill is developed by the strength of energy.

May all beings be free from enmity, be safe, be happy:

is not shaken by negligence.

The mind released through goodwill is developed by the strength of mindfulness.

May all beings be free from enmity, be safe, be happy:

is not shaken by restlessness.

The mind released through goodwill is developed by the strength of concentration.

May all beings be free from enmity, be safe, be happy:

He does not tremble in ignorance.

He is developed by the power of wisdom and has the liberation of mind through goodwill.

These five powers are the cultivation of the liberation of mind through goodwill.

With these five powers, the liberation of mind through goodwill is cultivated.

These five powers are the development of the liberation of mind through goodwill.

With these five powers, the liberation of mind through goodwill is developed.

These five powers are the increase of the liberation of mind through goodwill.

With these five powers, the liberation of mind through goodwill is increased.

These five powers are the adornment of the liberation of mind through goodwill.

With these five powers, the liberation of mind through goodwill is well adorned.

These five powers are the equipment of the liberation of mind through goodwill.

With these five powers, the liberation of mind through goodwill is well equipped.

These five powers are the retinue of the liberation of mind through goodwill.

With these five powers, the liberation of mind through goodwill is well surrounded.

These five powers are the cultivation, development, increase, adornment, equipment, retinue, fulfillment, accompaniment, co-birth, association, conjunction, penetration, confidence, establishment, release, perception of this is peace, vehicle, basis, support, familiarity, well-started, well-developed, well-established, well-risen, well-liberated, they produce, they illuminate, they radiate.

2.4.3. Section on the Factors of Enlightenment

May all beings be free from enmity, be safe, be happy:

He establishes mindfulness.

The liberation of mind through goodwill is developed by the factor of enlightenment of mindfulness.

May all beings be free from enmity, be safe, be happy:

He investigates with wisdom.

The liberation of mind through goodwill is developed by the factor of enlightenment of investigation of states.

May all beings be free from enmity, be safe, be happy:

He arouses energy.

The liberation of mind through goodwill is developed by the factor of enlightenment of energy.

May all beings be free from enmity, be safe, be happy:

He calms the fever.

The liberation of mind through goodwill is developed by the factor of enlightenment of rapture.

May all beings be free from enmity, be safe, be happy:

He calms the disturbance.

The liberation of mind through goodwill is developed by the factor of enlightenment of tranquility.

May all beings be free from enmity, be safe, be happy:

The mind is concentrated.

The mindfulness enlightenment factor is developed by the liberation of the mind through goodwill.

May all beings be free from enmity, be safe, be happy:

With wisdom, defilements are considered.

The equanimity enlightenment factor is developed by the liberation of the mind through goodwill.

These seven factors of enlightenment are the practice of the liberation of the mind through goodwill.

With these seven factors of enlightenment, the liberation of the mind through goodwill is practiced.

These seven factors of enlightenment are the development of the liberation of the mind through goodwill.

With these seven factors of enlightenment, the liberation of the mind through goodwill is developed.

These seven factors of enlightenment are the increase of the liberation of the mind through goodwill.

With these seven factors of enlightenment, the liberation of the mind through goodwill is increased.

These seven factors of enlightenment are the adornment of the liberation of the mind through goodwill.

With these seven factors of enlightenment, the liberation of the mind through goodwill is well adorned.

These seven factors of enlightenment are the equipment of the liberation of the mind through goodwill.

With these seven factors of enlightenment, the liberation of the mind through goodwill is well equipped.

These seven factors of enlightenment are the retinue of the liberation of the mind through goodwill.

With these seven factors of enlightenment, the liberation of the mind through goodwill is well surrounded.

These seven factors of enlightenment are the practice, development, increase, adornment, equipment, retinue, fulfillment, accompaniment, co-arising, association, conjunction, penetration, confidence, establishment, release, perception of this is peaceful, vehicle, basis, maintenance, familiarity, well-started, well-developed, well-established, well-risen, well-liberated, producing, illuminating, and radiating of the liberation of the mind through goodwill.

2.4.4. Section on the Path Factors

May all beings be free from enmity, be safe, be happy:

Rightly sees.

The right view is developed by the liberation of the mind through goodwill.

May all beings be free from enmity, be safe, be happy:

Rightly resolves.

The right intention is developed by the liberation of the mind through goodwill.

May all beings be free from enmity, be safe, be happy:

Rightly considers.

The right speech is developed by the liberation of the mind through goodwill.

May all beings be free from enmity, be safe, be happy:

He initiates correctly.

The mind released through goodwill is developed by right action.

May all beings be free from enmity, be safe, be happy:

He instructs correctly.

The mind released through goodwill is developed by right livelihood.

May all beings be free from enmity, be safe, be happy:

He holds correctly.

The mind released through goodwill is developed by right effort.

May all beings be free from enmity, be safe, be happy:

He establishes correctly.

The mind released through goodwill is developed by right mindfulness.

May all beings be free from enmity, be safe, be happy:

He concentrates correctly.

The mind released through goodwill is developed by right concentration.

These eight factors of the path are the cultivation of the mind released through goodwill.

With these eight factors of the path, the mind released through goodwill is cultivated.

These eight factors of the path are the development of the mind released through goodwill.

With these eight factors of the path, the mind released through goodwill is developed.

These eight factors of the path are the increase of the mind released through goodwill.

With these eight factors of the path, the mind released through goodwill is increased.

These eight factors of the path are the adornment of the mind released through goodwill.

With these eight factors of the path, the mind released through goodwill is well adorned.

These eight factors of the path are the equipment of the mind released through goodwill.

With these eight factors of the path, the mind released through goodwill is well equipped.

These eight factors of the path are the retinue of the mind released through goodwill.

With these eight factors of the path, the mind released through goodwill is well surrounded.

These eight factors of the path are the cultivation, development, increase, adornment, equipment, retinue, fulfillment, accompaniment, co-birth, association, conjunction, penetration, confidence, establishment, release, perception of this is peaceful, vehicle, basis, support, familiarity, well-started, well-developed, well-established, well-risen, well-released, producing, illuminating, and radiating of the mind released through goodwill.

For all living beings...

For all creatures...

For all persons...

For all who have a personality...

For all women...

For all men...

For all noble ones...

For all non-noble beings...

For all deities...

For all humans...

For all beings in the lower realms, avoiding oppression, with non-oppression, avoiding harm, with non-harm, avoiding distress, with non-distress, avoiding exhaustion, with non-exhaustion, avoiding violence, with non-violence, may all beings in the lower realms be free from enmity, not hostile, happy, not suffering, happy in themselves, not unhappy:

In these eight ways, may all beings in the lower realms be suffused with goodwill: goodwill.

That is the state of mind: mind.

Freed from all ill-will: freedom.

Loving-kindness and mind and freedom: goodwill-mind-freedom.

May all beings in the lower realms be free from enmity, safe, happy:

With faith, one is resolved.

With the faculty of faith developed, there is goodwill-mind-freedom... they arise, they shine, they radiate.

For all beings in the eastern direction... for all beings in the western direction... for all beings in the northern direction... for all beings in the southern direction... for all beings in the eastern intermediate direction... for all beings in the western intermediate direction... for all beings in the northern intermediate direction... for all beings in the southern intermediate direction... for all beings in the lower direction... for all beings in the upper direction, avoiding oppression, with non-oppression, avoiding harm, with non-harm, avoiding distress, with non-distress, avoiding exhaustion, with non-exhaustion, avoiding violence, with non-violence, may all beings in the upper direction be free from enmity, not hostile, happy, not suffering, happy in themselves, not unhappy:

In these eight ways, may all beings in the upper direction be suffused with goodwill: goodwill.

That is the state of mind: mind.

Freed from all ill-will: freedom.

Loving-kindness and mind and freedom: goodwill-mind-freedom.

May all beings in the upper direction be free from enmity, safe, happy:

With faith, one is resolved.

With the faculty of faith developed, there is goodwill-mind-freedom... they arise, they shine, they radiate.

For all beings in the eastern direction, for all living beings... for all creatures... for all individuals... for all who are embodied... for all women... for all men... for all noble beings... for all non-noble beings...

...of all the gods...

...of all humans...

...of all beings in the lower realms...

...of all beings in the lower realms in the western direction...

...of all beings in the lower realms in the northern direction...

...of all beings in the lower realms in the southern direction...

...of all beings in the lower realms in the eastern intermediate direction...

...of all beings in the lower realms in the western intermediate direction...

...of all beings in the lower realms in the northern intermediate direction...

...of all beings in the lower realms in the southern intermediate direction...

...of all beings in the lower realms in the lower direction...

...of all beings in the lower realms in the upper direction, avoiding oppression, with non-oppression, avoiding harm, with non-harm, avoiding distress, with non-distress, avoiding destruction, with non-destruction, avoiding violence, with non-violence, may all beings in the upper direction in the lower realms be without enmity, not hostile, happy, not suffering, happy in themselves, not unhappy:

In these eight ways, may all beings in the upper direction in the lower realms be met with goodwill: goodwill.

That is the Dhamma: mind.

Freed from all enmity and ill-will: freedom.

Loving-kindness and mind and freedom: goodwill-mind-freedom.

May all beings in the upper direction in the lower realms be without enmity, safe, happy:

With faith, one is resolved.

With the faculty of faith developed, there is goodwill-mind-freedom.

May all beings in the upper direction in the lower realms be without enmity, safe, happy:

One exerts effort.

With the faculty of effort developed, there is goodwill-mind-freedom.

One establishes mindfulness.

With the faculty of mindfulness developed, there is goodwill-mind-freedom.

One concentrates the mind.

With the faculty of concentration developed, there is goodwill-mind-freedom.

One understands with wisdom.

With the faculty of wisdom developed, there is goodwill-mind-freedom.

These five faculties are the cultivation of goodwill-mind-freedom.

With these five faculties, goodwill-mind-freedom is cultivated...and...

...produces, illuminates, and radiates.

May all beings in the upper direction in the lower realms be without enmity, safe, happy:

One is not shaken by faithlessness, with the power of faith developed, there is goodwill-mind-freedom.

One is not shaken by laziness, with the power of effort developed, there is goodwill-mind-freedom.

One is not shaken by negligence, with the power of mindfulness developed, there is goodwill-mind-freedom.

One is not shaken by restlessness, with the power of concentration developed, there is goodwill-mind-freedom.

Unshaken by ignorance, cultivated by the power of wisdom, there is the liberation of the mind through goodwill.

These five powers are the practice of the liberation of the mind through goodwill.

With these five powers, the liberation of the mind through goodwill is practiced... and they produce, illuminate, and radiate.

May all beings in the upper direction who are in suffering be free from enmity, be safe, be happy:

establish mindfulness.

The liberation of the mind through goodwill is cultivated by the factor of mindfulness.

Investigate with wisdom, the liberation of the mind through goodwill is cultivated by the factor of investigation of states.

Exert energy, the liberation of the mind through goodwill is cultivated by the factor of energy.

Calm the fever, the liberation of the mind through goodwill is cultivated by the factor of rapture.

Calm the coarseness, the liberation of the mind through goodwill is cultivated by the factor of tranquility.

Concentrate the mind, the liberation of the mind through goodwill is cultivated by the factor of concentration.

Reflect on defilements with knowing, the liberation of the mind through goodwill is cultivated by the factor of equanimity.

These seven factors of enlightenment are the practice of the liberation of the mind through goodwill.

With these seven factors of enlightenment, the liberation of the mind through goodwill is practiced... and they produce, illuminate, and radiate.

May all beings in the upper direction who are in suffering be free from enmity, be safe, be happy:

see rightly, the liberation of the mind through goodwill is cultivated by right view.

Establish rightly, the liberation of the mind through goodwill is cultivated by right intention.

Consider rightly, the liberation of the mind through goodwill is cultivated by right speech.

Arise rightly, the liberation of the mind through goodwill is cultivated by right action.

Purify rightly, the liberation of the mind through goodwill is cultivated by right livelihood.

Exert rightly, the liberation of the mind through goodwill is cultivated by right effort.

Establish rightly, the liberation of the mind through goodwill is cultivated by right mindfulness.

Concentrate rightly, the liberation of the mind through goodwill is cultivated by right concentration.

These eight factors of the path are the practice of the liberation of the mind through goodwill.

With these eight factors of the path, the liberation of the mind through goodwill is practiced... and these eight factors of the path are cultivated by the liberation of the mind through goodwill.

With these eight factors of the path, the liberation of the mind through goodwill is well-protected.

These eight factors of the path are the practice of the liberation of the mind through goodwill, are the development, are the increase, are the adornment, are the equipment, are the support, are the fulfillment, are the accompaniment, are the co-arising, are the association, are the connection, are the penetration, are the confidence, are the establishment, are the release, are the touching of this is peace, are the vehicle, are the basis, are the arising, are the familiarity, are the well-started, are the well-developed, are the well-established, are the well-risen, are the well-liberated, and they produce, illuminate, and radiate.

The discourse on goodwill is finished.