KN.PS3.6 — Discourse on Miracles

Disciples, there are these three miracles.

What three?

The miracle of psychic power, the miracle of telepathy, and the miracle of instruction.

What is the miracle of psychic power?

Here someone experiences various kinds of psychic power:

being one, he becomes many; being many, he becomes one;

he appears and vanishes... and he exercises mastery with the body as far as the Brahma world.

This is called the miracle of psychic power.

And what is the miracle of telepathy?

Here someone declares by means of a sign:

This is in your mind, that is in your mind, this is in your thoughts.

Even if he declares much, it is just as he says, not otherwise.

Here someone does not declare by means of a sign, but by hearing the sound of humans, non-humans, or deities:

This is in your mind, that is in your mind, this is in your thoughts.

Even if he declares much, it is just as he says, not otherwise.

Here someone does not declare by means of a sign, nor by hearing the sound of humans, non-humans, or deities, but by hearing the sound of thought-vibrations of one who is thinking and pondering:

This is in your mind, that is in your mind, this is in your thoughts.

Even if he declares much, it is just as he says, not otherwise.

Here someone does not declare by means of a sign, nor by hearing the sound of humans, non-humans, or deities, nor by hearing the sound of thought-vibrations of one who is thinking and pondering, but by knowing with the mind the mind of one who has entered into concentration without thought and examination:

As this person's mental formations are directed, immediately after this thought, he will think such and such a thought.

Even if he declares much, it is just as he says, not otherwise.

This is called the miracle of telepathy.

And what is the miracle of instruction?

Here someone instructs thus:

Think in this way, do not think in that way.

Direct your mind in this way, do not direct your mind in that way.

Abandon this, attain and dwell in that.

This is called the miracle of instruction.

These are the three miracles.

Renunciation succeeds: this is power.

It wards off sensual desire: this is a miracle.

Those who are endowed with that renunciation, all of them have pure minds and untroubled thoughts:

this is the miracle of instruction.

That renunciation should be practiced, developed, made much of, and established with mindfulness in accordance with the teaching:

this is the miracle of guidance.

Non-ill-will succeeds: this is power.

It wards off ill-will: this is a miracle.

Those who are endowed with that non-ill-will, all of them have pure minds and untroubled thoughts:

this is the miracle of instruction.

That non-ill-will should be practiced, developed, made much of, and established with mindfulness in accordance with the teaching:

this is the miracle of guidance.

Perception of light succeeds: this is power.

It wards off sloth and torpor: this is a miracle.

Those who are endowed with that perception of light, all of them have pure minds and untroubled thoughts:

this is the miracle of instruction.

That perception of light should be practiced, developed, made much of, and established with mindfulness in accordance with the teaching:

this is the miracle of guidance.

Non-distraction succeeds: this is power.

It wards off restlessness: this is a miracle.

Those who are endowed with that non-distraction, all of them have pure minds and untroubled thoughts:

this is the miracle of instruction.

That non-distraction should be practiced, developed, made much of, and established with mindfulness in accordance with the teaching:

this is the miracle of guidance.

Discrimination of phenomena succeeds: this is power.

It wards off doubt: this is a miracle.

Those who are endowed with that discrimination of phenomena, all of them have pure minds and untroubled thoughts:

this is the miracle of instruction.

That discrimination of phenomena should be practiced, developed, made much of, and established with mindfulness in accordance with the teaching:

this is the miracle of guidance.

Knowledge succeeds: this is power.

It wards off ignorance: this is a miracle.

Those who are endowed with that knowing, all of them have pure minds and untroubled thoughts:

this is the miracle of instruction.

That knowing should be practiced, developed, made much of, and established with mindfulness in accordance with the teaching:

this is the miracle of guidance.

Joy succeeds: this is power.

He dispels aversion: this is a miracle.

Those who are endowed with that joy, all of them have pure minds and untroubled thoughts:

this is the miracle of instruction.

That joy should be cultivated in this way, developed in this way, made much of in this way, and mindfulness in accordance with it should be established in this way:

this is the miracle of admonition.

The first jhāna is accomplished: this is power.

He dispels hindrances: this is a miracle.

Those who are endowed with the first jhāna, all of them have pure minds and untroubled thoughts:

this is the miracle of instruction.

That first jhāna should be cultivated in this way, developed in this way, made much of in this way, and mindfulness in accordance with it should be established in this way:

this is the miracle of admonition.

The path to arahantship is accomplished: this is power.

He dispels all defilements: this is a miracle.

Those who are endowed with the path to arahantship, all of them have pure minds and untroubled thoughts:

this is the miracle of instruction.

That path to arahantship should be cultivated in this way, developed in this way, made much of in this way, and mindfulness in accordance with it should be established in this way:

this is the miracle of admonition.

Renunciation is accomplished: this is power.

He dispels sensual desire: this is a miracle.

Both the power and the miracle, this is called the miracle of power.

Non-ill will is accomplished: this is power.

He dispels ill will: this is a miracle.

Both the power and the miracle, this is called the miracle of power.

Perception of light is accomplished: this is power.

He dispels sloth and torpor: this is a miracle.

The path to arahantship is accomplished: this is power.

He dispels all defilements: this is a miracle.

Both the power and the miracle, this is called the miracle of power.

The discourse on miracles is finished.