KN.PS3.7 — Samasīsakathā

The knowing of the head in the complete eradication and cessation of all phenomena is wisdom.

Sabbadhammānan refers to the five aggregates, the twelve sense bases, the eighteen elements, wholesome phenomena, unwholesome phenomena, indeterminate phenomena, sense-sphere phenomena, form-sphere phenomena, formless-sphere phenomena, and unconditioned phenomena.

Sammā samucchede means correctly eradicating sensual desire with renunciation, correctly eradicating ill-will with non-ill-will, correctly eradicating sloth and torpor with the perception of light, correctly eradicating restlessness with non-distraction, correctly eradicating doubt with the discernment of phenomena, correctly eradicating ignorance with knowing, correctly eradicating discontent with joy, correctly eradicating hindrances with the first jhāna, and so on, correctly eradicating all defilements with the path of arahantship.

Nirodhe means ceasing sensual desire with renunciation, ceasing ill-will with non-ill-will, ceasing sloth and torpor with the perception of light, ceasing restlessness with non-distraction, ceasing doubt with the discernment of phenomena, ceasing ignorance with knowing, ceasing discontent with joy, ceasing hindrances with the first jhāna, and so on, ceasing all defilements with the path of arahantship.

Anupaṭṭhānatā means that for one who has attained renunciation, sensual desire does not arise; for one who has attained non-ill-will, ill-will does not arise; for one who has attained the perception of light, sloth and torpor do not arise; for one who has attained non-distraction, restlessness does not arise; for one who has attained the discernment of phenomena, doubt does not arise; for one who has attained knowing, ignorance does not arise; for one who has attained joy, discontent does not arise; for one who has attained the first jhāna, hindrances do not arise; and so on, for one who has attained the path of arahantship, all defilements do not arise.

Saman means that due to the eradication of sensual desire, renunciation is equal; due to the eradication of ill-will, non-ill-will is equal; due to the eradication of sloth and torpor, the perception of light is equal; due to the eradication of restlessness, non-distraction is equal; due to the eradication of doubt, the discernment of phenomena is equal; due to the eradication of ignorance, knowing is equal; due to the eradication of discontent, joy is equal; due to the eradication of hindrances, the first jhāna is equal; and so on, due to the eradication of all defilements, the path of arahantship is equal.

Sīsan means the thirteen heads:

The head of craving is attachment, the head of bondage is conceit, the head of clinging is view, the head of distraction is restlessness, the head of defilement is ignorance, the head of resolution is faith, the head of exertion is energy, the head of mindfulness is awareness, the head of concentration is tranquility, the head of insight is wisdom, the head of continuity is the life faculty, the head of the domain is liberation, the head of formations is cessation.

The discourse on the heads is concluded.