SN13.1 — Nakhasikhāsutta

Thus have I heard: At one time, the Blessed One was staying at Sāvatthī in Jeta's Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then the Blessed One, having taken a small amount of dust on his fingernail, addressed the disciples:

What do you think

which is greater, the small amount of dust on my fingernail or this great earth?

Venerable sir, the great earth is certainly greater. The small amount of dust on the Blessed One's fingernail is negligible. It does not come to a hundredth part, or a thousandth part, or a hundred-thousandth part when compared to the great earth.

Even so for a noble disciple who has attained right view, who has made the breakthrough, the suffering that is over and done with is far greater. What remains is negligible.

It does not come to a hundredth part, or a thousandth part, or a hundred-thousandth part when compared to the mass of suffering that has been over and done with, now that the breakthrough to the Dhamma has been made. Such is the great benefit of understanding the Dhamma; such is the great benefit of obtaining the vision of the Dhamma.