SN14.11 — Sattadhātusutta

He was staying at Sāvatthī.

Disciples, there are seven elements.

What seven?

The element of radiance, the element of beauty, the element of the dimension of infinite space, the element of the dimension of infinite consciousness, the element of the dimension of nothingness, the element of the dimension of neither perception nor non-perception, the element of the cessation of perception and feeling:

these are the seven elements.

When this was said, a certain disciple asked the Blessed One:

Sir, these elements of radiance, beauty, the dimension of infinite space, the dimension of infinite consciousness, the dimension of nothingness, the dimension of neither perception nor non-perception, and the cessation of perception and feeling: on what are these elements dependent?

Disciple, the element of radiance is dependent on darkness.

The element of beauty is dependent on ugliness.

The element of the dimension of infinite space is dependent on form.

The element of the dimension of infinite consciousness is dependent on the dimension of infinite space.

The element of the dimension of nothingness is dependent on the dimension of infinite consciousness.

The element of the dimension of neither perception nor non-perception is dependent on the dimension of nothingness.

The element of the cessation of perception and feeling is dependent on cessation.

Sir, these elements of radiance, beauty, the dimension of infinite space, the dimension of infinite consciousness, the dimension of nothingness, the dimension of neither perception nor non-perception, and the cessation of perception and feeling: how are these elements to be attained?

Disciple, the elements of radiance, beauty, the dimension of infinite space, the dimension of infinite consciousness, and the dimension of nothingness are to be attained through the attainment of perception.

The element of the dimension of neither perception nor non-perception is to be attained through the attainment of the residue of formations.

The element of the cessation of perception and feeling is to be attained through the attainment of cessation.