SN22.101 — Vāsijaṭa Sutta

Originating in Sāvatthī.

Disciples, I declare the destruction of the taints for one who knows and sees, not for one who does not know and does not see.

And what does one know and see for the destruction of the taints to occur?

This is form, this is the arising of form, this is the cessation of form;

this is feeling...

this is perception...

these are formations...

this is consciousness, this is the arising of consciousness, this is the cessation of consciousness:

Thus for one who knows and sees in this way, the destruction of the taints occurs.

For a disciple who does not engage in the practice of development, even if such a wish arises: Oh, that my mind might be freed from the taints without clinging, it will not be freed from the taints without clinging.

What is the reason for this? Because of undeveloped faculties, it should be said.

What faculties are undeveloped?

The four foundations of mindfulness are undeveloped, the four right efforts are undeveloped, the four bases of spiritual power are undeveloped, the five faculties are undeveloped, the five powers are undeveloped, the seven factors of enlightenment are undeveloped, the Noble Eightfold Path is undeveloped.

Just as if a hen had eight, ten, or twelve eggs, but they were not properly sat on, not properly incubated, not properly developed, even if such a wish arose in her:

Oh, that my chicks might break the eggshell with their claws or beaks and hatch safely, they would not be able to break the eggshell with their claws or beaks and hatch safely.

What is the reason for this?

Because the hen's eggs were not properly sat on, not properly incubated, not properly developed.

In the same way for a disciple who does not engage in the practice of development, even if such a wish arises: Oh, that my mind might be freed from the taints without clinging, it will not be freed from the taints without clinging.

What is the reason for this?

Because of undeveloped faculties, it should be said.

What faculties are undeveloped?

The four foundations of mindfulness are undeveloped... the Noble Eightfold Path is undeveloped.

For a disciple who engages in the practice of development, even if such a wish does not arise: Oh, that my mind might be freed from the taints without clinging, it will be freed from the taints without clinging.

What is the reason for this?

Because of developed faculties, it should be said.

What faculties are developed?

The four foundations of mindfulness are developed, the four right efforts are developed, the four bases of spiritual power are developed, the five faculties are developed, the five powers are developed, the seven factors of enlightenment are developed, the Noble Eightfold Path is developed.

Just as if a hen had eight, ten, or twelve eggs, and they were properly sat on, properly incubated, properly developed, even if such a wish did not arise in her: Oh, that my chicks might break the eggshell with their claws or beaks and hatch safely, they would be able to break the eggshell with their claws or beaks and hatch safely.

What is the reason for this?

Because the hen's eggs were properly sat on, properly incubated, properly developed.

In the same way for a disciple who engages in the practice of development, even if such a wish does not arise: Oh, that my mind might be freed from the taints without clinging, it will be freed from the taints without clinging.

What is the reason for this?

Because of developed faculties, it should be said.

What faculties are developed?

The four foundations of mindfulness are developed... the Noble Eightfold Path is developed.

Just as in a heap of cloth or a cloth student's heap, the marks of the fingers and thumbs are visible.

But he does not have such knowing: This much of my cloth heap was used today, this much yesterday, this much the day before.

But he knows when it is used up.

In the same way for a disciple who engages in the practice of development, even if he does not have such knowing: This much of my taints was destroyed today, this much yesterday, this much the day before, he knows when they are destroyed.

Just as a ship bound with bamboo strips, after being in the water for a year or more...

Just as in autumn, when the sky is clear, the wind and sun dry up the bindings of reeds, and when they are drenched by the rain of the rainy season, they easily become rotten; in the same way for a disciple who is devoted to the practice of jhana, the fetters easily become weakened and rotten.