SN22.5 — Samādhisutta

Thus have I heard: …at Sāvatthī…

Develop concentration, disciples; a disciple who is concentrated understands things as they really are.

What does he understand as it really is?

The arising and passing away of form, feeling, perception, formations, and consciousness.

And what is the arising of form, feeling, perception, formations, and consciousness?

Here a disciple delights in, welcomes, and remains holding to.

And what does he delight in, welcome, and remain holding to?

He delights in, welcomes, and remains holding to form.

From delighting in, welcoming, and remaining holding to form, delight arises.

The delight in form is clinging.

With clinging as condition, there is becoming;

with becoming as condition, there is birth;

with birth as condition, arise aging and death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, displeasure, and despair.

Thus arises this entire mass of suffering.

He delights in feeling…

He delights in perception…

He delights in formations…

He delights in consciousness, welcomes, and remains holding to.

From delighting in, welcoming, and remaining holding to consciousness, delight arises.

The delight in consciousness is clinging.

With clinging as condition, there is becoming;

with becoming as condition, there is birth;

with birth as condition…

Thus arises this entire mass of suffering.

This is the arising of form, feeling, perception, formations, and consciousness.

And what is the passing away of form, feeling, perception, formations, and consciousness?

Here one does not delight in, welcome, or remain holding to.

And what does one not delight in, welcome, or remain holding to?

One does not delight in, welcome, or remain holding to form.

For one not delighting in, not welcoming, and not remaining holding to form, the delight in form ceases.

With the cessation of delight, there is the cessation of clinging; with the cessation of clinging, there is the cessation of becoming…thus ceases this entire mass of suffering.

One does not delight in feeling…

One does not delight in perception…

One does not delight in formations, does not welcome, and does not remain holding to.

For one not delighting in, not welcoming, and not remaining holding to formations, the delight in formations ceases.

With the cessation of delight, there is the cessation of clinging; with the cessation of clinging, there is the cessation of becoming… thus ceases this entire mass of suffering.

One does not delight in consciousness, does not welcome, and does not remain holding to.

For one not delighting in, not welcoming, and not remaining holding to consciousness, the delight in consciousness ceases.

With the cessation of delight, there is the cessation of clinging… thus ceases this entire mass of suffering.

This is the passing away of form, feeling, perception, formations, and consciousness.