SN22.53 — The Discourse on Attachments

Originating in Sāvatthī.

Disciples, one who is attached is not liberated; one who is not attached is liberated.

If consciousness were to remain attached to form, it would remain dependent on form, established on form, and would grow, increase, and expand.

If consciousness were to remain attached to feeling...

If consciousness were to remain attached to perception...

If consciousness were to remain attached to mental formations, it would remain dependent on mental formations, established on mental formations, and would grow, increase, and expand.

Disciples, if someone were to say:

I will describe the coming, going, passing away, rebirth, growth, increase, and expansion of consciousness apart from form, apart from feeling, apart from perception, apart from mental formations, that is not possible.

Disciples, if a disciple has abandoned desire for the form element,

with the abandonment of desire, the support for the establishment of consciousness is cut off.

If a disciple has abandoned desire for the feeling element...

If a disciple has abandoned desire for the perception element...

If a disciple has abandoned desire for the mental formations element...

If a disciple has abandoned desire for the consciousness element, with the abandonment of desire, the support for the establishment of consciousness is cut off.

When consciousness is unestablished, not growing, and not produced, it is liberated.

Because it is liberated, it is stable. Because it is stable, it is content. Because it is content, it is not agitated. Being unagitated, it personally attains final Nibbāna.

He understands: Birth is destroyed, the holy life has been lived, what had to be done has been done, there is no more coming to any state of being.