SN25.1 — The Discourse on the Eye

Originating in Sāvatthī.

Disciples, the eye is impermanent, changing, becoming otherwise;

the ear is impermanent, changing, becoming otherwise;

the nose is impermanent, changing, becoming otherwise;

the tongue is impermanent, changing, becoming otherwise;

the body is impermanent, changing, becoming otherwise;

the mind is impermanent, changing, becoming otherwise.

Disciples, one who has faith and confidence in these teachings is called a faith-follower, one who has entered the fixed course of rightness, entered the plane of superior persons, transcended the plane of ordinary persons; incapable of doing any deed by which he might be reborn in hell, in the animal realm, or in the realm of ghosts; incapable of dying without having realized the fruit of stream-entry.

Disciples, one for whom these teachings are accepted and approved after reflecting on them with wisdom is called incapable of doing any deed by which he might be reborn in hell, in the animal realm, or in the realm of ghosts; incapable of dying without having realized the fruit of stream-entry.