SN25.10 — Discourse on the Aggregates

Originating in Sāvatthi.

Form is impermanent, subject to change, becoming otherwise;

Feeling is impermanent, subject to change, becoming otherwise;


Formations are impermanent, subject to change, becoming otherwise;

Consciousness is impermanent, subject to change, becoming otherwise.

Whoever has faith and confidence in these teachings in this way, is called a faith-follower, one who has entered the fixed course of rightness, entered the plane of superior persons, transcended the plane of ordinary persons;

Incapable of doing the deed that would lead to rebirth in hell, the animal realm, or the realm of ghosts;

Incapable of dying without realizing the fruit of stream-entry.

For whom these teachings are accepted with wisdom, even to a small extent, is called

Incapable of doing the deed that would lead to rebirth in hell, the animal realm, or the realm of ghosts;

Incapable of dying without realizing the fruit of stream-entry.

Whoever understands and sees these teachings in this way, is called

A stream-enterer, not subject to downfall, fixed in destiny, bound for full awakening.