SN35.97 — Pamādavihārīsutta

I will teach you about one who dwells negligently and one who dwells diligently. Listen to this.

And how does one dwell negligently? When one dwells with the eye faculty unrestrained, the mind becomes distracted by forms cognizable by the eye.

For one with a distracted mind, there is no joy. Without joy, there is no rapture. Without rapture, there is no tranquility. Without tranquility, there is suffering. For one who is suffering, the mind does not become concentrated.

When the mind is not concentrated, phenomena do not become manifest. Because of the non-manifestation of phenomena, one is reckoned as dwelling negligently...

Similarly, when one dwells with the tongue faculty unrestrained, the mind becomes distracted by flavors cognizable by the tongue.

For one with a distracted mind... one is reckoned as dwelling negligently... Similarly, when one dwells with the mind faculty unrestrained, the mind becomes distracted by mental phenomena. For one with a distracted mind, there is no joy.

Without joy, there is no rapture. Without rapture, there is no tranquility. Without tranquility, there is suffering. For one who is suffering, the mind does not become concentrated.

When the mind is not concentrated, phenomena do not become manifest. Because of the non-manifestation of phenomena, one is reckoned as dwelling negligently. Thus one dwells negligently.

And how does one dwell diligently? When one dwells with the eye faculty restrained, the mind does not become distracted by forms cognizable by the eye. For one with an undistracted mind, joy arises.

For one who is joyful, rapture arises. For one with rapture, the body becomes tranquil. For one with a tranquil body, one dwells happily. For one who is happy, the mind becomes concentrated.

When the mind is concentrated, phenomena become manifest. Because of the manifestation of phenomena, one is reckoned as dwelling diligently... Similarly, when one dwells with the tongue faculty restrained, the mind does not become distracted... one is reckoned as dwelling diligently... Similarly, when one dwells with the mind faculty restrained, the mind does not become distracted by mental phenomena.

For one with an undistracted mind, joy arises. For one who is joyful, rapture arises.

For one with rapture, the body becomes tranquil.

For one with a tranquil body, one dwells happily. For one who is happy, the mind becomes concentrated.

When the mind is concentrated, phenomena become manifest.

Because of the manifestation of phenomena, one is reckoned as dwelling diligently. Thus one dwells diligently.