SN42.2 — Tālapuṭasutta

At one time, the Blessed One was staying in Rājagaha at the Bamboo Grove, the Squirrel Sanctuary. Then, Tālapuṭa the actor approached the Blessed One, and after paying homage to him, sat down to one side. Sitting to one side, Tālapuṭa the actor said to the Blessed One:

Sir, I have heard this said by actors of old, teachers and teachers of teachers: An actor who makes people laugh and enjoy themselves in the middle of a performance, in the middle of a show, by means of truthfulness, after breaking up the body, after death, is reborn in the company of the laughing gods. What does the Blessed One say about this?

Enough, headman, let that be. Do not ask me that.

For a second time, Tālapuṭa the actor said to the Blessed One:

Sir, I have heard this said by actors of old, teachers and teachers of teachers: An actor who makes people laugh and enjoy themselves in the middle of a performance, in the middle of a show, by means of truthfulness, after breaking up the body, after death, is reborn in the company of the laughing gods. What does the Blessed One say about this?

Enough, headman, let that be. Do not ask me that.

For a third time, Tālapuṭa the actor said to the Blessed One:

Sir, I have heard this said by actors of old, teachers and teachers of teachers: An actor who makes people laugh and enjoy themselves in the middle of a performance, in the middle of a show, by means of truthfulness, after breaking up the body, after death, is reborn in the company of the laughing gods. What does the Blessed One say about this?

Surely, headman, I do not get: Enough, headman, let that be, do not ask me that. But I will explain it to you. Previously, headman, beings not free from lust are bound by the bond of lust. For them, an actor in the middle of a performance, in the middle of a show, brings up things that are lustful to an even greater extent.

Previously, headman, beings not free from hatred are bound by the bond of hatred. For them, an actor in the middle of a performance, in the middle of a show, brings up things that are hateful to an even greater extent.

Previously, headman, beings not free from delusion are bound by the bond of delusion. For them, an actor in the middle of a performance, in the middle of a show, brings up things that are delusive to an even greater extent. Intoxicated and heedless himself, he makes others intoxicated and heedless, and after breaking up the body, after death, he is reborn in the hell called Laughter.

If he holds this view: An actor who makes people laugh and enjoy themselves in the middle of a performance, in the middle of a show, by means of truthfulness, after breaking up the body, after death, is reborn in the company of the laughing gods, that is his wrong view.

For a person with wrong view, headman, I declare one of two destinations: hell or the animal realm.

When this was said, Tālapuṭa the actor wept and shed tears.

Surely, headman, I did not get: Enough, headman, let that be; do not ask me that.

Sir, I do not weep because the Blessed One has spoken to me thus; but I weep because I have been deceived, cheated, and misled for a long time by actors of old, teachers and teachers of teachers: An actor who makes people laugh and enjoy themselves in the middle of a performance, in the middle of a show, by means of truthfulness, after breaking up the body, after death, is reborn in the company of the laughing gods.

Excellent, sir, excellent, sir. Just as if one might set upright what was overturned, reveal what was hidden, show the way to one who was lost, or hold up a lamp in the dark so that those with eyes could see forms, in the same way, the Dhamma has been made clear by the Blessed One in many ways.

I go to the Blessed One for refuge, to the Dhamma, and to the Saṅgha of disciples. May I receive the going forth in the presence of the Blessed One, may I receive the full ordination.

Tālapuṭa the actor received the going forth in the presence of the Blessed One, he received the full ordination. And soon after his full ordination, the Venerable Tālapuṭa became one of the arahants.