SN44.9 — Kutūhalasālāsutta

Then the wanderer Vacchagotta approached the Blessed One; having approached, he exchanged greetings with the Blessed One. After exchanging greetings and cordial talk, he sat down to one side. Sitting to one side, the wanderer Vacchagotta said to the Blessed One:

Master Gotama, in the past few days, a discussion arose among several ascetics and brahmins of various sects who were gathered together in the debating hall. They said: This Pūraṇa Kassapa is a leader of a community, a teacher of a community, well-known and famous, and considered by many to be a holy man. He too declares the destination of his disciples who have passed away, saying: This one has been reborn there, that one has been reborn there.

Similarly, Makkhali Gosāla, Nigaṇṭha Nātaputta, Sañcaya Belaṭṭhaputta, Pakudha Kaccāyana, and Ajita Kesakambala are all leaders of communities, teachers of communities, well-known and famous, and considered by many to be holy men. They too declare the destination of their disciples who have passed away, saying: This one has been reborn there, that one has been reborn there.

But the ascetic Gotama is also a leader of a community, a teacher of a community, well-known and famous, and considered by many to be a holy man. He too declares the destination of his disciples who have passed away, saying: This one has been reborn there, that one has been reborn there. But when it comes to his foremost disciples, those who have attained the highest goal, he does not declare their destination, saying: This one has been reborn there, that one has been reborn there. Instead, he declares: He has cut off craving, severed the fetters, and through right understanding, made an end of suffering.

This, Master Gotama, caused me to have doubt and uncertainty: How is the Dhamma of the ascetic Gotama to be understood?

It is fitting for you to doubt, Vaccha, it is fitting for you to be uncertain. Doubt has arisen in you about a matter that should be doubted. I, Vaccha, declare the rebirth of one with attachments, not of one without attachments. Just as a fire burns with fuel, not without fuel, so too, Vaccha, I declare the rebirth of one with attachments, not of one without attachments.

Master Gotama, when a flame is blown by the wind and goes far, what does Master Gotama declare to be its fuel?

When, Vaccha, a flame is blown by the wind and goes far, I declare that it is fueled by the wind. For at that time, Vaccha, the wind is its fuel.

And when, Master Gotama, a person lays down this body and is not yet reborn in another body, what does Master Gotama declare to be his fuel?

When, Vaccha, a person lays down this body and is not yet reborn in another body, I declare that it is fueled by craving. For at that time, Vaccha, craving is his fuel.