SN45.4 — Jāṇussoṇibrāhmaṇasutta

Introduction from Sāvatthi.

Then, in the morning, the venerable Ānanda, having dressed and taking his bowl and outer robe, entered Sāvatthi for alms.

He saw the Brahmin Jāṇussoṇi being driven out of Sāvatthi in a completely white chariot drawn by mares.

The mares were white and adorned, the chariot was white, surrounded by white, with white reins, white whip, white umbrella, white turban, white garments, white sandals, and even the chariot's leather fittings were white.

Seeing him, people said:

What a divine vehicle.

Truly, it looks like a vehicle fit for the gods.

After wandering for alms in Sāvatthi and after his meal, on returning from his alms round, Ānanda approached the Blessed One; having approached, he paid homage to the Blessed One and sat down at one side. Sitting at one side, the venerable Ānanda said to the Blessed One:

Here, venerable sir, in the morning, having dressed and taking my bowl and outer robe, I entered Sāvatthi for alms. I saw the Brahmin Jāṇussoṇi being driven out of Sāvatthi in a completely white chariot drawn by mares.

The mares were white and adorned, the chariot was white, surrounded by white, with white reins, white whip, white umbrella, white turban, white garments, white sandals, and even the chariot's leather fittings were white. Seeing him, people said, What a divine vehicle.

Truly, it looks like a vehicle fit for the gods. Is it possible, venerable sir, to describe a divine vehicle in this Dhamma and Discipline?

It is possible, Ānanda, the Blessed One said, This very Noble Eightfold Path is called the divine vehicle here, as well as the Dhamma vehicle and the unsurpassed victory in battle. Right view, Ānanda, when developed and cultivated, leads to the end of passion, to the end of aversion, to the end of delusion. Right intention... Right speech... Right action... Right livelihood... Right effort... Right mindfulness... Right concentration, when developed and cultivated, leads to the end of passion, to the end of aversion, to the end of delusion.

In this way, Ānanda, it should be understood how this very Noble Eightfold Path is called the divine vehicle, the Dhamma vehicle, and the unsurpassed victory in battle.

This is what the Blessed One said. Having said this, the

Fortunate One, the Teacher, further said:

Whoever has faith and wisdom,

Always yoked to the Dhamma's plow;

Modesty and respect guiding the mind,

Mindfulness as the charioteer.

The vehicle equipped with virtue,

The energy of concentration as its wheels;

Equanimity as the supreme concentration,

Non-desire as the surrounding.

Non-ill will and non-harming,

Seclusion as the weapon;

Endurance as the armor,

For the attainment of the ultimate safety.

Born from within oneself,

This is the unsurpassed divine vehicle;

By which the wise are led away from this world,

Conquering the unconquered.