SN46.3 — Silasutta

Disciples, those disciples who are accomplished in virtue, concentration, knowing, liberation, and the knowing and vision of liberation, I declare that for those disciples, seeing is greatly beneficial; listening is greatly beneficial; approaching is greatly beneficial; attending is greatly beneficial; remembering is greatly beneficial; following is greatly beneficial. Why is that?

Because having heard the Dhamma, such disciples live touched by two kinds of satisfaction: bodily satisfaction and mental satisfaction. Living thus touched, they remember and think about that Dhamma.

Disciples, when a disciple, living thus touched, remembers and thinks about that Dhamma, at that time the awakening factor of mindfulness is aroused in that disciple; he develops the awakening factor of mindfulness; the awakening factor of mindfulness comes to fulfillment by development in that disciple. Living thus mindful, he examines, explores, and fully investigates that Dhamma with wisdom.

Disciples, when a disciple, living thus mindful, examines, explores, and fully investigates that Dhamma with wisdom, at that time the awakening factor of investigation of Dhamma is aroused in that disciple; he develops the awakening factor of investigation of Dhamma; the awakening factor of investigation of Dhamma comes to fulfillment by development in that disciple.

For him, examining, exploring, and fully investigating that Dhamma with wisdom, energy is aroused without slackening. Disciples, when for a disciple, examining, exploring, and fully investigating that Dhamma with wisdom, energy is aroused without slackening, at that time the awakening factor of energy is aroused in that disciple; he develops the awakening factor of energy; the awakening factor of energy comes to fulfillment by development in that disciple.

For one with aroused energy, unworldly joy arises. Disciples, when for a disciple with aroused energy, unworldly joy arises, at that time the awakening factor of joy is aroused in that disciple; he develops the awakening factor of joy; the awakening factor of joy comes to fulfillment by development in that disciple.

With joyful mind, both body and mind become tranquil. Disciples, when for a disciple with joyful mind, both body and mind become tranquil, at that time the awakening factor of tranquility is aroused in that disciple; he develops the awakening factor of tranquility; the awakening factor of tranquility comes to fulfillment by development in that disciple.

For one with a tranquil body and happy mind, the mind becomes concentrated. Disciples, when for a disciple with a tranquil body and happy mind, the mind becomes concentrated, at that time the awakening factor of concentration is aroused in that disciple; he develops the awakening factor of concentration; the awakening factor of concentration comes to fulfillment by development in that disciple. Thus concentrated, he closely looks on with equanimity.

Disciples, when a disciple, thus concentrated, closely looks on with equanimity, at that time the awakening factor of equanimity is aroused in that disciple; he develops the awakening factor of equanimity; the awakening factor of equanimity comes to fulfillment by development in that disciple.

Disciples, when these seven factors of awakening are developed and cultivated in this way, seven fruits and benefits can be expected. What are the seven fruits and benefits?

One realizes the supreme enlightenment here and now. If not here and now, then at the time of death. If not at the time of death, then one becomes an attainer at some time through the destruction of the five lower fetters. If not, then through the destruction of the five lower fetters, one becomes an attainer upon landing. If not, then through the destruction of the five lower fetters, one becomes an attainer without exertion. If not, then through the destruction of the five lower fetters, one becomes an attainer with some exertion. If not, then through the destruction of the five lower fetters, one becomes an attainer with much exertion.

He becomes one who is liberated upon the destruction of the five lower fetters, then, with the destruction of the five lower fetters, he becomes one who is liberated without exertion. If he does not attain another state in this very life, if he does not attain another state at the time of death, if he does not become one who is liberated in-between upon the destruction of the five lower fetters, if he does not become one who is liberated upon landing upon the destruction of the five lower fetters, if he does not become one who is liberated without exertion upon the destruction of the five lower fetters, then, with the destruction of the five lower fetters, he becomes one who is liberated with exertion.

If he does not attain another state in this very life, if he does not attain another state at the time of death, if he does not become one who is liberated in-between upon the destruction of the five lower fetters, if he does not become one who is liberated upon landing upon the destruction of the five lower fetters, if he does not become one who is liberated without exertion upon the destruction of the five lower fetters, if he does not become one who is liberated with exertion upon the destruction of the five lower fetters, then, with the destruction of the five lower fetters, he becomes one who goes upwards, one who is heading towards the highest.

Thus when these seven factors of enlightenment are developed and cultivated, these seven fruits and benefits can be expected.