SN46.53 — Fire Discourse

Then several disciples, having dressed in the morning and taking their bowls and robes, entered Sāvatthī for alms.

Disciples, when speaking to wanderers of other sects, they should be addressed as follows: Friends, when the mind is sluggish, which of the factors of enlightenment is it not the right time for cultivation, and during which is it the right time?

And when the mind is restless, for which of the factors of enlightenment is it not the right time for cultivation, and for which is it the right time?

When asked in this way the wanderers of other sects will neither succeed in answering nor will they find an escape.

Why is that? Because it is beyond their scope. Disciples, I do not see anyone in this world with its gods, Māras, and Brahmās, in this generation with its ascetics and brahmins, its gods and humans, who could satisfy the mind with answers to these questions, except for the Tathāgata or a disciple of the Tathāgata, or someone who has heard it from them.

When the mind is sluggish, it is not the right time for the cultivation of the tranquility factor of enlightenment, the concentration factor of enlightenment, or the equanimity factor of enlightenment.

Why is that? Because a sluggish mind is difficult to arouse with these states. Suppose a person wanted to kindle a small fire. If they were to add wet grass, wet cow dung, and wet wood, and then blow cold air and sprinkle with dust; would that person be able to kindle a small fire? No, venerable sir.

In the same way when the mind is sluggish, it is not the right time for the cultivation of the tranquility factor of enlightenment, the concentration factor of enlightenment, or the equanimity factor of enlightenment.

Why is that? Because a sluggish mind is difficult to arouse with these states.

However when the mind is sluggish, it is the right time for the cultivation of the investigation of states factor of enlightenment, the energy factor of enlightenment, and the joy factor of enlightenment.

Why is that? Because a sluggish mind is easily aroused with these states.

Suppose a person wanted to kindle a small fire. If they were to add dry grass, dry cow dung, and dry wood, and then blow warm air and not sprinkle with dust; would that person be able to kindle a small fire? Yes, venerable sir.

In the same way when the mind is sluggish, it is the right time for the cultivation of the investigation of states factor of enlightenment, the energy factor of enlightenment, and the joy factor of enlightenment.

Why is that? Because a sluggish mind is easily aroused with these states.

When the mind is restless, it is not the right time for the cultivation of the investigation of states factor of enlightenment, the energy factor of enlightenment, and the joy factor of enlightenment.

Why is that? Because a restless mind is difficult to calm with these states. Suppose a person wanted to extinguish a large fire. If they were to add dry grass, dry cow dung, and dry wood, and then blow warm air and not sprinkle with dust; would that person be able to extinguish a large fire? No, venerable sir.

In the same way when the mind is restless, it is not the right time for the cultivation of the investigation of states factor of enlightenment, the energy factor of enlightenment, and the joy factor of enlightenment.

Why is that? Because a restless mind is difficult to calm with these states.

However when the mind is restless, it is the right time for the cultivation of the tranquility factor of enlightenment, the concentration factor of enlightenment, and the equanimity factor of enlightenment.

Why is that? Because a restless mind is easily calmed with these states. Suppose a person wanted to extinguish a large fire. If they were to add wet grass, wet cow dung, and wet wood, and then blow cold air and sprinkle with dust; would that person be able to To extinguish a great mass of fire? Yes, venerable sir.

Just so at a time when the mind is restless, it is the time for the development of the tranquility enlightenment factor, the time for the development of the concentration enlightenment factor, the time for the development of the equanimity enlightenment factor.

Why is that? Because a restless mind is well calmed by these factors. And indeed I say that mindfulness is useful in all things.