SN46.8 — Upavānasutta

At one time, the venerable Upavāna and the venerable Sāriputta were dwelling in Kosambi, in the Ghositārāma.

Then, the venerable Sāriputta, having emerged from seclusion in the evening, approached the venerable Upavāna; having approached, he exchanged greetings with the venerable Upavāna. After exchanging pleasant and meaningful greetings, he sat down to one side. Seated to one side, the venerable Sāriputta said to the venerable Upavāna:

Friend Upavāna, would a disciple know through personal attention and proper consideration, thus my seven factors of enlightenment are well developed for easeful dwelling?

Friend Sāriputta, a disciple would know through personal attention and proper consideration, thus my seven factors of enlightenment are well developed for easeful dwelling.

Friend, starting with the factor of mindfulness enlightenment, a disciple understands my mind is well liberated, my sloth and torpor are well dispelled, my restlessness and remorse are well calmed, my energy is aroused, I am resolute in mind, not lax … starting with the factor of equanimity enlightenment, a disciple understands my mind is well liberated, my sloth and torpor are well dispelled, my restlessness and remorse are well calmed, my energy is aroused, I am resolute in mind, not lax.

Thus, friend Sāriputta, a disciple would know through personal attention and proper consideration, thus my seven factors of enlightenment are well developed for easeful dwelling.