SN47.25 — A Certain Brahmin Discourse

Thus have I heard:

On one occasion, the Blessed One was dwelling at Sāvatthī in Jeta's Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then a certain brahmin approached the Blessed One; having approached, he exchanged greetings with the Blessed One.

After exchanging greetings and cordial talk, he sat down to one side. As he was sitting there, the brahmin said to the Blessed One:

What, Master Gotama, is the reason, what is the cause, why the true Dhamma does not last long after the Tathāgata has passed away?

And what, Master Gotama, is the reason, what is the cause, why the true Dhamma lasts long after the Tathāgata has passed away?

It is, brahmin, because the four establishments of mindfulness are not developed and not made much of that the true Dhamma does not last long after the Tathāgata has passed away.

And it is, brahmin, because the four establishments of mindfulness are developed and made much of that the true Dhamma lasts long after the Tathāgata has passed away.

What are these four?

Here, brahmin, a disciple dwells contemplating the body in the body, ardent, clearly knowing, mindful, having removed covetousness and displeasure in regard to the world;

he dwells contemplating feelings in feelings, ardent, clearly knowing, mindful, having removed covetousness and displeasure in regard to the world;

he dwells contemplating the mind in the mind, ardent, clearly knowing, mindful, having removed covetousness and displeasure in regard to the world;

he dwells contemplating phenomena in phenomena, ardent, clearly knowing, mindful, having removed covetousness and displeasure in regard to the world.

It is because these four establishments of mindfulness are not developed and not made much of that the true Dhamma does not last long after the Tathāgata has passed away.

And it is because these four establishments of mindfulness are developed and made much of that the true Dhamma lasts long after the Tathāgata has passed away.

When this was said, the brahmin said to the Blessed One:

Excellent, Master Gotama! … Let Master Gotama consider me a lay follower who has gone to him for refuge from this day forth for life.