SN47.4 — Sāla Discourse

At one time, the Blessed One was staying in the Kosala country, in the brahmin village of Sālā.

There the Blessed One addressed the disciples … and said this:

Disciples, those disciples who are new, recently gone forth, newly come to this Dhamma and Discipline, should be encouraged, settled, and established by you in the development of the four foundations of mindfulness.

What four?

Come, friends, dwell contemplating the body in the body, ardent, clearly knowing, unified, with concentrated one-pointed mind, in order to know the body as it really is;

dwell contemplating feelings in feelings, ardent, clearly knowing, unified, with concentrated one-pointed mind, in order to know feelings as they really are;

dwell contemplating the mind in the mind, ardent, clearly knowing, unified, with concentrated one-pointed mind, in order to know the mind as it really is;

dwell contemplating phenomena in phenomena, ardent, clearly knowing, unified, with concentrated one-pointed mind, in order to know phenomena as they really are.

Those disciples, too, who are trainees, not yet attained to their minds ideal, but who live aspiring to the supreme security from bondage, also dwell contemplating the body in the body, ardent, clearly knowing, unified, with concentrated one-pointed mind, in order to fully understand the body;

dwell contemplating feelings in feelings, ardent, clearly knowing, unified, with concentrated one-pointed mind, in order to fully understand feelings;

dwell contemplating the mind in the mind, ardent, clearly knowing, unified, with concentrated one-pointed mind, in order to fully understand the mind;

dwell contemplating phenomena in phenomena, ardent, clearly knowing, unified, with concentrated one-pointed mind, in order to fully understand phenomena.

Those disciples, too, who are arahants, with taints destroyed, who have lived the holy life, done what had to be done, laid down the burden, reached their own goal, destroyed the fetters of being, and are completely liberated through final knowing, also dwell contemplating the body in the body, ardent, clearly knowing, unified, with concentrated one-pointed mind, detached from the body;

dwell contemplating feelings in feelings, ardent, clearly knowing, unified, with concentrated one-pointed mind, detached from feelings;

dwell contemplating the mind in the mind, ardent, clearly knowing, unified, with concentrated one-pointed mind, detached from the mind;

They dwell observing the phenomena in the phenomena, ardent, fully aware, unified, with clear mind, concentrated, with one-pointed mind, detached from phenomena.

Disciples, those disciples who are new, recently gone forth, newly come to this Dhamma and Discipline, those disciples, you should encourage, settle, and establish in the development of these four foundations of mindfulness.