SN51.21 — Maggasutta

Originating from Sāvatthi.

Before my enlightenment when I was still an unenlightened Bodhisatta, it occurred to me:

What is the path, what is the way for the development of the bases of psychic power?

Then it occurred to me:

Here, a disciple develops the base of psychic power that is concentration due to desire: thus my desire will not be too lax, nor too tense, not constricted internally, nor scattered externally.

He dwells perceiving after and before: as before so after, as after so before; as below so above, as above so below;

as by day so by night, as by night so by day.

Thus with an open and unenveloped heart, he develops a bright mind.

Concentration due to energy …

concentration due to mind …

He develops the base of psychic power that is concentration due to investigation: thus my investigation will not be too lax, nor too tense, not constricted internally, nor scattered externally.

He dwells perceiving after and before:

as before so after, as after so before;

as below so above, as above so below;

as by day so by night, as by night so by day:

Thus with an open and unenveloped heart, he develops a bright mind.

When a disciple has thus developed and frequently practiced these four bases of psychic power, he experiences manifold supranormal powers: becoming one, he becomes many; becoming many, he becomes one ... even up to the Brahma worlds he exercises mastery over his body.

When a disciple has thus developed and frequently practiced these four bases of psychic power, he realizes with his own insight the destruction of the taints, the mind's release, and wisdom's release in this very life, and lives having realized it with his own insight due to the destruction of the taints.