SN55.5 — The Discourse to Sāriputta the Second

Then Venerable Sāriputta approached the Blessed One, paid homage to him, and sat down to one side. Sitting to one side, the Blessed One said to him:

The factors of stream-entry, the factors of stream-entry, Sāriputta, that is said. But what, Sāriputta, are the factors of stream-entry?

Association with good persons, venerable sir, is a factor of stream-entry; listening to the true Dhamma is a factor of stream-entry; proper attention is a factor of stream-entry; practicing in accordance with the Dhamma is a factor of stream-entry.

Well said, well said, Sāriputta.

Association with good persons, Sāriputta, is a factor of stream-entry; listening to the true Dhamma is a factor of stream-entry; proper attention is a factor of stream-entry; practicing in accordance with the Dhamma is a factor of stream-entry.

Hearing, hearing, Sāriputta, that is said. But what, Sāriputta, is hearing?

This noble eightfold path, venerable sir, is hearing, namely: right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration. Well said, well said, Sāriputta.

This noble eightfold path, Sāriputta, is hearing, namely: right view... right concentration. One who has entered the stream, one who has entered the stream, Sāriputta, that is said.

But who, Sāriputta, is one who has entered the stream? Venerable sir, one who possesses this noble eightfold path is called one who has entered the stream, the venerable one himself is of such a name and such a nature.

Well said, well said, Sāriputta.